Bathroom Safety: An Evolving Challenge for Hotel Managers

Bathroom Safety: An Evolving Challenge for Hotel Managers

Bathroom Safety: An Evolving Challenge for Hotel Managers

The danger of slipping and falling in the bathroom will always present a challenge! If you are managing a hotel, there are many potential hazardous combinations you will need to have safety prevention strategies in place for. You might think these are obvious, but the statistics on bathroom falls show the obvious is not always the easiest to solve. From water to soaps and aging bathroom surfaces---to faulty maintenance practices that create worse issues---the bathroom can quickly go from a place of rest and relief to a disaster zone.


Bathroom Safety = Guest Safety and Business Security


Injuries sustained in bathroom falls are devastating for the victim and can be catastrophic financially for the business where the accidental injury occurs (with excessive costs for insurance and legal fees). Still, stats in the most recent studies show many hotel managers are either uneducated on how to solve the issue or choose to blatantly ignore taking safety prevention measures.

If you are a hotel owner in areas with a high-density of retiree vacationers, you should be acutely aware of the risks your guests are facing daily. Guests of all ages can suffer accidental slips and falls, but there is an increased risk potential for individuals over the age of 65. In recent years, 1 in 4 older adults reported falling and almost 39,00 adults died due to a fall in 2021. (source)



In addition, research from Harvard has shown that frequent nighttime bathroom trips can also increase the risk of falls, highlighting the importance of addressing the safety concerns associated with bathroom surfaces in facilities that have overnight guests.

According to STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries) in 2018 there were a total of 52 million older adults, of which 36 million suffered a fall and 8 million injuries occurred. These numbers are expected to jump significantly as the older adult population is set to grow into a total of 73 million people (about twice the population of California). At this rate it's expected that 52 million falls and 12 million injuries will be suffered in 2030.



Is your facility going to be in these statistics? What can you do about it?

Your business doesn’t need to join the statistics; you can take steps to increase bathroom safety at your facility with simple, easy to use products. At No Skidding Products, we are leading the way in evangelizing safe maintenance practices and have developed specially formulated products to provide facility maintenance professionals with the tools they need to reduce preventable accidents in facilities world-wide.

Use These Tools to Prevent Slippery Bathtubs and Showers in your Facility:


No Skidding ® D.I.Y. Anti-Slip Floor, Bathtub, and Shower Treatments

Used for slippery-when-wet tile shower floors and enamel or porcelain bathtubs. No Skidding floor treatments create an “Invisible Tread” on shower tile floors or enamel / porcelain bathtubs to help reduce slipperiness for your guests. Soap and water is typically a slippery situation, but after our treatment, your guests will enjoy increased traction that typically lasts for years...with only one application!


No Skidding ® Anti-Slip Vinyl Bath & Shower Mats and Strips

Fine textured, slip resistant vinyl bathmats and strips that have a water-resistant, acrylic adhesive. Ideal for wet conditions. Sanitary and limits the growth of odor causing germs and bacteria. Extremely durable and outlasts conventional rubber mats. Used in hotels, motels, hospitals, senior care, and residences for years. Applications include showers, bathtubs, locker rooms, and hot tubs.


No Skidding Slip-Resistant Textured Aerosol Spray

A clear acrylic that air dries rapidly and has minimal visibility. It is formulated using a recycled clear particle for enhanced anti-slip properties. This product is excellent for increasing traction on bathtubs and other bath surfaces where increased traction is needed. Ideal for coating any wood, steel, concrete, fiberglass and acrylic surfaces in and around the wet areas of your bathroom; the sinks, tubs and showers. It can be used on interior and exterior bathing surfaces.



Improve Your Bathroom Safety today. Act now before it's too late!


The importance of bathroom safety has never been so vital. If your facility bathroom standards aren't up to par, the risk potential is massive. Injured guests, deaths, lawsuits and business closures. An ignored wet floor is more than a slip hazard. As facility maintenance professionals, it's important to remember the reason we keep a facility maintained is for the people it serves. Your hotel cannot service your customer properly when bathroom safety is not properly addressed. If you have slippery bathroom surfaces, get started with a proven solution today, we are here to help you achieve the highest ratings for bathroom safety.


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